By Sarah York-Bertram, with contributions by Zhi Ming Sim & Andrea González
Since 2019, CSiW, project partners, and York University Library’s (YUL) Digital Scholarship Centre (DSC) have been collaborating to develop a Scalar project tracking responses to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) exhibit, and its traveling counterpart, “Ododo Wa: Stories of Girls in War.”
Scalar is an open-source web platform developed by the Alliance for Networking Visual Culture.
“Ododo Wa,” which means “our stories” in Acholi, centres the stories of Grace Acan and Evelyn Amony. Grace and Evelyn were both abducted by the Lord’s Resistance Army when they were girls. Now, as activists and researchers, Grace and Evelyn advocate for justice and reparations for survivors of conjugal slavery and children born of war. Their memoirs, I am Evelyn Amony and Not Yet Sunset, are foundational texts from which the exhibits and Scalar project flow. [More here]