
Uganda Country report

Récente publication : « Le mariage forcé au sein de l’Armée de résistance du Seigneur (LRA), Rapport de pays sur l’Ouganda »

[Disponible en anglais seulement] By Teddy Atim, with Grace Acan, Jane Etap, and Annie Bunting
Conjugal Slavery in War ...
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Lauréates du prix international du courage féminin 2018

Le 21 mars 2018 Département d’État des États-Unis – Créé en mars 2007, le prix international du courage féminin du secrétaire d’État ...
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The Life of Law Logo

Podcast: Uganda

Podcast disponible en anglais seulement by Gladys Oroma Today, a man named Dominic Ongwen is on trial before the International ...
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Women survivors and their children born of wartime sexual violence in northern Uganda

Article seulement disponible en anglais Teddy Atim, Dyan Mazurana, Anastasia Marshak Introduction The focus on women survivors of wartime sexual ...
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Two children of war speak out

Deux enfants de la guerre parlent

[Disponible seulement en anglais] Evelyn Amony and Emmanuel Jal were robbed of their childhoods by war and violence. They were ...
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ASAUK 2018 Event

Appel à contributions ASAUK 2018

[Article disponible en anglais seulement] STREAM: Slavery and Marriage in African Societies Stream organisers: Benedetta Rossi (University of Birmingham, UK) ...
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‘Do Not Remain Silent’ A discussion about sexual violence in South Sudan and justice and reparations measures

Version française non disponible On Wednesday 13th September, Refugee Law Project’s Director, Dr Chris Dolan, was privileged to participate in a ...
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Tackling Conflict-related Sexual Violence: How much are we tapping from young people’s creativity?

Version française non disponible. By Onen David Ongwech, Programme Manager – Gender & Sexuality
Published 10th July 2017 I recently ...
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ASAUK 2018 Event

Call For Thematic Streams ASAUK 2018

Call for Thematic Streams  The next ASAUK conference will be held on 11-13 September 2018 at the University of Birmingham ...
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