Aiding Disadvantaged and Traumatized Women and Girls (ADWANGA) Liberia

development Research and Project Centre, Nigeria

Solidarité féminine pour la paix et le développement Intégral (SOFEPADI), Democratic Republic of the Congo
Solidarité feminine pour la paix et le développement integral (Female Solidarity for Peace and Integrated Development – SOFEPADI) is a member of the Congolese Coalition for Transitional Justice (CCJT). SOFEPADI is also the focal point in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) of the Coalition for women’s human rights in conflict situations. Since 2003, SOFEPADI has been focusing on addressing women’s rights violations, more specifically crimes of sexual and socio-cultural violence. As part of its programme for combating impunity for sexual offenders in Beni, Bunia and across Eastern Congo, SOFEPADI is committed to provide legal assistance to women who are victims of sexual violence.
Liu Institute for Global Issues, University of British Columbia, Canada

Refugee Law Project, Makerere University, Uganda

Solidarité pour l'épanouissement des veuves et des orphelins visant le travail et l'auto-promotion (SEVOTA), Rwanda
SEVOTA started operating on December 28, 1994 to restore the human relations destroyed during the genocide. SEVOTA helps its beneficiaries to organize themselves in order to analyze the issues they and their community face and progressively find suitable solutions. Its mission is to help improve the social, economic and cultural position and living conditions of widows and orphans. Its overall objective is to promote activities related to peace, reconciliation and the promotion of human rights, women’s rights and vulnerable children’s rights. Through spaces for reflection, women, children and youth share traumatic experiences they underwent to bring about attitudinal change and strategic actions promoting human positivity. This is how children have heard the truth from their mothers who had been trained and informed about their rights, and supported through a therapeutic process. Some of the beneficiary women engaged in advocacy, leading to rape being recognized as a crime against humanity. Beneficiaries work for their dignity and to reduce poverty in order to achieve peace, security and development.
Plan International

Department of Political Studies, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Welcome to the Department of Political Studies at Wits, one of Africa’s leading academic departments for the study of politics. We are proud of our prizewinning teaching and research staff who are closely engaged with the challenges of a society in transition and with the place of South Africa in Africa, the Global South, and the wider world. Our staff and students are among the most diverse in the university and country. We offer both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Undergraduates can register for majors in Political Studies and in African Politics and History. A major in Political Studies can form part of our exciting new programme in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE). Currently over 1,000 students take courses in our undergraduate programmes. We offers undergraduate courses on, amongst other topics: states, power and governance; theories of modernity; political sociology; South African politics; African politics; human rights; theories of freedom, justice and difference; and theories of development.
Our postgraduate programmes include Honours and Masters degrees in Political Studies and a Masters in Politics and Gender. We also have a strong PhD programme. The Honours and Masters degrees include a taught component on, amongst other topics: social policy; political sociology of South Africa; feminism and gender; the politics of public policy; structuralism and post-Marxism; totalitarianism and religious fundamentalism; violence, genocide and the African state. We also provide instruction in research methods.
The Women's Forum of Sierra Leone

The Harriet Tubman Institute, York University

The Harriet Tubman Institute is dedicated to capturing, studying, and telling the story of the migration of African peoples around the globe, from centuries ago to the present day. We search the world for materials that help us know and understand this history – from official and personal documents to photographs, interviews and maps. Whenever possible, we digitally preserve and make these accessible to anyone with an interest in seeing and learning from this rich store of information. As an institute of scholars, we also conduct an extensive program of research, publication, and post-graduate studies. As an institute of concerned citizens, we interact with the community and the wider public in raising awareness of contemporary issues of slavery and racism. From our base at York University in Toronto, we connect into an international, multi-disciplinary network of people who share a passion for this field of study.