We were shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the sudden passing of our friend and colleague Ms. Albertine Zawadi Mambo and her spouse Mr. Delphin Mashauri, who both died in a plane crash in Goma (DRC) on Sunday, November 24th. As the National Coordinator of the NGO Solidarité féminine pour la paix et le développement intégral (SOFEPADI), Zawadi Mambo dedicated her life to fighting sexual violence against women and girls for them to achieve justice and redress in a region with ongoing armed conflict. Zawadi Mambo has been an integral part of our working group on justice and reparations for victims of forced marriage in war since it was created. Through her dedication, courage and integrity, Zawadi Mambo has been and will continue to be an inspiration to all those who fight against the impunity of violence against women and for a just and equal world. We lost an activist, a kind-hearted woman, a women’s rights advocate, a colleague and a friend. Our warmest thoughts go to their children, their loved ones, their colleagues and all SOFEPADI members in mourning. We share your grief and pain. Do not lose heart, we are together!